Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday on to Amarillo Texas.

OMG this was a LOOOOOOONG day in the car! We cruised across New Mexico with limited stops...

and arrived at the Travel lodge in Amarillo Texas at about 11PM Central time.

The rooms were cheap so we got two rooms YEAH...and the games began.

1st - The key to our room didn't work... Don went to get us another one.

2nd - We got another key, opened the door and the room was not ready. There was towels and linen laying on the floor, the bed had no linen and had a nasty stain on the mattress...EEEEEWWWWW!!!

3rd - I called the desk and had to walk back down to get a key to another room.

4th - The new key didn't work. So I had to walk back to the office and they gave me another key. They sent a desk clerk with me who told me that if the new key didn't work, he could let me in with his master key, but the door could not be fixed until the morning. Which would mean that if we left the room they would have to let us back in. Fortunately the key worked and the room was clean... I hope the mattress is!

UPDATE - 5th (which I found out about the next morning)- Don and Pasha had two unwelcome visitors in their room during the night... a huge black ant and a giant spindly spider. If I had found out about this that night I would have slept in the car!

It is Midnight so off to bed we go. Tomorrow we will get into Oklahoma.


  1. Hang in there honey...you're almost there.

  2. Your readers are growing, and i know at least one who, reads but doesn't show up, Gabby. Can't wait to see more pictures.

  3. I remember passing through Amarillo... Similar experience, no room keys, but a long story about a cow and a plane...

    I also remember how the bugs start to come out at dusk as you travel East... make sure to slow down to catch a few fireflies...

  4. Hi Holly. That was too funny about the stained mattress. With the kind of movies you like, I could just hear your mind at work wondering what kind of grizzly details surrounded the making of that stain. LOL

    I have been watching the news lately and have noticed that this event is taking place in the middle of a severe heat wave. Temps all over the tripple digit mark. That really sucks. Fortunately for Daniel, he's been in it for a while so he's far more accostom to it than you sea fairing types. I feel your pain, and am glad to be her ein Seattle, ok Edmonds by the water with a nice cool sea breaze blowing in through my open deck door. It's a nice and cool 68 in the house right now. Ahhhh Hate me yet?

