Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Night We Are Ahead of Schedule - YEAH! (Updated with pics)

Friday Night Rachel and I got to Bed at 2:30 AM and woke up at 5:30 AM OMG were we tired.

We hit the road leaving Lynnwood, WA. at 7:00 AM. Pacific Time, (After stops at Starbucks and Jack in the Box because I need my Diet Coke, and Pasha & Don needed their coffee)

Our rental car is a 2009 Nisan Ultima and it is packed to the rafters!

We took the Yakima River Road, instead of the pass between Ellensburg and Yaki-Vegas.
Making good time we hit the Burger King in Prosser by 10 AM for a refill of pop.

We screamed through Oregon, and Idaho seeing dirt, sage brush... and then more dirt and more sage brush... interspersed with assorted wildlife.

We made another Burger King Stop in Pendleton for Apple Fries (Note: This is where Rachel "accidentally" flashed the top of her thong underwear at the people in the drive thru and the Burger King employees standing behind the building smoking cigarettes...OOOPS!)

Don and Pasha drove Today Rachel and I will Drive Tomorrow. This allowed Rachel and I to nap through Boise...and surprise when we woke up we saw more dirt and sage brush...

Things finally started to get interesting when we got into Southern Idaho and caught sight of the rare migrating hover cookie. The weird thing was that he was heading south towards Utah and it is far from winter.

We made it to Twin Falls by 7:30 PM MST where we had dinner at the Sherri's and opted to head further down the road towards Salt Lake City.
(Note: Driving south from Twin falls, into the upper part of Utah, there was basically no lights in the houses... they must all go to bed by 9 PM... crazy!)

After many miles of torrential rain we ended up at the Days Inn, in Ogden Utah.

We had a tiny room that had a creepy psycho bathroom - but had no batteries in the TV remote... ANNOYING!!!

But after a quick blog entry (minus these pics that I added Sunday and a bit more info) we headed for bed because we were all tired...

Even the group of polygomy hover cookies next door didn't keep us awake.


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