Thursday, June 25, 2009

Family day at Fort Sill

Rachel and I went to the morning demonstration alone today, Don was back at the hotel sick (Geez...3 down, 1 to go). Fortunately, Rachel who had been sick half the night "soldiered-up" and went with me so I didn't have to try to find the place alone. Thank god for the GPS because neither of us knew the lay of the land.

Once there, we watched examples of what the pre-graduates have learned. It was pretty fun to watch, but the show was in an open field where we sat on solar-shades covered bleachers. It was so bloody hot that even the people next to us, who were from Georgia, were complaining. I felt like melting under the seats!!!

The soldiers in their wool uniforms must have been too hot to imagine!

After the demonstration we picked up Dan for family day and got a tour of his barracks. No privacy here!!!

We headed back to the hotel to check on Don and Pasha (and drop off Rachel to sleep) before Daniel and I went out to lunch.

The one thing Daniel wanted was a Wendy's chicken sandwich, so we programmed the GPS and soon we were enjoying a mom and son catch-up lunch at the local Wendy's.

After lunch we drove around a bit and figured out where McMahon Auditorium is for Tomorrow's graduation. We will need to pack the car in the morning and checkout before going to the graduation so knowing where we are going will mean we can get up a bit later.

Once we got the lay of the land, and explored a bit, we came back to my room and visited with Rachel for a while before getting Don and Pasha up for a swim in the hotel pool. After the swim we watched an episode of Scrubs because Dan was missing TV and then had a nice dinner at Outback Steak House.

Once Don was deposited back at the hotel, we deposited Daniel back on base, and Rachel (and Pasha) finally got the manicure/pedicure spa visit they wanted at the local mall. Rachel was hoping, the whole way down, to get a manicure by a southern girl like in the movie Legally Blond... but just like up north they were all Asian. I spent this time calling home and catching up on email. Once back at the Hotel they hit the pool (with Don) one more time while I sat relaxing in the hotel, watching Burn Notice and updating this blog.

Well because I know a lot of you want to see photos of Dan in his uniform... he is very handsome in his dress uniform. :-)

I will take more photos Tomorrow but today was about relaxing and catching up.

Daniel has to be back by 8:00 PM Tomorrow so that he can fly to San Antonio, TX. (Ft. Sam Houston) at 1:00 AM Saturday morning. Once he is back on base we will drive to Wichita Kansas and begin our drive home.


  1. Wow, he's so maned up. I can't believe this is the boy who ate all my cookies. God love him, he's a man now, does he still like chocolate chip cookies? I'll send them to him.

  2. Daniel looks great!! OMG, since that last time I saw him at an event, no long hair, and he looks happy!!

  3. Having only seem him briefly once as he went down stairs after callin you "Butt Head", he does look dramatically different. No longer the new milleniums version of the hippie. Good for him. Also looks far more buffed up than that time as well. Although I bet his Drill Instructor would rip him a new one instantly for calling his mother a butt head now. It would also be followed 200 push-ups, and weeks latrine duty. The Army has done him good.


  4. OMG Dan's hair is gone!!!!!!

    P.S. im using my mom's comp again
